Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Myth of Persephone

Adrielle Maassey
Cereal Box Story
Sophomore English
March 6, 2008

Zeus, the god of the gods, got jiggy with Demeter, because he does the whole incest thing. Then together Demeter bore Persephone, and she loved her very much. Persephone was a rambunctious child. She named all the plants and liked to paint them. I know, I was there.
Hiya, my name is shoe and I am Persephone’s conscience. She doesn't listen very often, but whatever. So there I was hanging with my self in Persephone's head, when she was painting some flowers. I'm not very artistic so I satisfied myself with some wine and music.
I was past the point of silliness when Persephone saw a bush. She eyed it for so me time, and she couldn't decide whether she liked it or not. Now, something that can capture Persephone's attention completely deserved to be looked at by me. She would have decided that she liked it, if she had come to the conclusion by herself, but there I was, intoxicated.
"Pull it up!" I laughingly yelled spilling some wine.
So, the one time she decides to listen to me we all get screwed over. She pulled up the bush with some struggle, but eventually her god-like strength triumphed, and the bush emerged from the ground. She threw it carelessly aside and continued to paint the flowers. I told her to color them brown but she refused.
From where she pulled the bush from the earth there laid a huge open hole into the black earth. Persephone paid it no mind and continued to paint. She didn't notice that the hole was growing larger until it was big enough to fit a small shed. I was dancing and singing "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" and gave it no mind.
So then Hades, Lord of the dead and brother to Demeter, arose from the hole riding in a black chariot which was pulled by horses as black as ebony. He gave Persephone a nasty grin, took her by the arm, and took us down into the seemingly endless abyss. I was giggling hysterically, but Persephone began to cry. Soon I passed out.
I awoke a week later with a line of drool from the corner of my mouth to the floor. I wiped it away with my sleeve and sat up trying to figure out what had been going on. I found out that Hades had been trying to beguile Persephone with gifts. She had refused them all and had pretended that they held no value to her, when really all she wanted to do was relish in the gifts bestowed upon her. She had refused to eat, but all thee time she was starving.
I knew that I was the reason for our unfavorable predicament. I soon became depressed and drank to get rid of my blues. The straight vodka burned my throat, but eventually loosed my joints and my tongue.
"Man, I'm starving Persephone! Eat something!"
Little did I know that this was the exact opposite of what she should have done. For earlier, once Demeter had found out what had become of her darling daughter she went to Mount Olympus and pled to Zeus for the return of her daughter, but to her dismay Zeus thought that the marriage was a grand idea and told her no.
Demeter got very, very angry and nothing on the earth grew. Zeus soon saw this and summoned Demeter to Mount Olympus. There he told her that she may go and retrieve her daughter from the underworld. So she sent Hermes to fetch Persephone.
However, Persephone had been stupid enough to listen to me, and accepted six seeds of a pomegranate from her little servant boy, that Hades had given her. She was overjoyed when Hermes came and took her above ground to her mother. I was so happy that I drank to celebrate.
Well, as it tuned out, because Persephone listened to me when I told her to eat something she technically had to stay with Hades, but Zeus feared Demeter's wrath on the land, so he came up with a compromise. Persephone would live for six months with her mother and six months with Hades.
So that is how the seasons came to be. When Persephone is with her mother the earth flourishes and is bountiful with green plants, but when she is away from her mother the land is desolate and covered with white snow.

so, in this one,we had to pick a god or goddess and rewrite a myth about them. i did, and incorporated myself into the story as Persephone's drunken conscience. yeah...

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