Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Things Fall Apart Summary

I hate this book SOOOOOOO much. We have only just finished chapter 4 and I'm ready to SHOOT myself in the head! It's the same with every book that you have to read in an English class. It's tells you about a people that are soon supressed by some sort of evil force and it looks like all hope is lost. Then some person gives a pretty good pep talk and the people are revived with a new passion to save themselves and fight back. They do, someone important dies, and everyone is happy,yada yada yada...THE END! Hmmm..., well I dunno what to really say now, but I really don't wanna go back and sit there to do nothing, so I'll try to think of something productive to write about on this blog thing. \/ That thing right there is me. I'm bored and mad.

Okonkwo is a mean histrionic, and antisocial maniac that should be put to death for every reason you can possibly conceive in the great expanse of your brain and all it's functions. Unoka is lazy, but is still a pretty cool guy. I have no respect for him, but i don't have any hate for him either. Yeah, I think that I have ranted just about enough. Believe you me, I could go longer, but I suspect that Ms. Turcotte may get anxious. Kk, catch you on the flip side.

p.s. they ruined my mad face, cuz they're bungholes. they moved the eyebrows from the rest of his face.